Polish Strategy to Counteract an Immigration Threat (ebook)
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Abstract. The article concerns the assessment of the issue of immigration in Poland from a strategic perspective, in the context of the directions of counteracting possible threats generated by this phenomenon. The contemporary state has to deal with many dilemmas, among which undoubtedly is the phenomenon of immigration. It is not a problem if it is coming up against the needs of the state of immigration, such as filling shortages in the domestic labor market. However, as the experience of Western European countries shows, this phenomenon is not easily regulated, and therefore it is not difficult to generate risks instead of the planned benefits. In this context, one should remember about the situation of Western European countries with extensive migration networks on their territories. It concerns not only the problems they are currently facing in trying to regulate the inflow of immigrants, but also far from the expected effects of actions aimed at integrating the immigrant communities with the new state. In the Polish strategic documents for years, immigration has been defined as a phenomenon requiring special attention of the state. Subsequent security strategies in their assessments sustained this direction of perception, however, this did not result in a wider approach to the problem. It seems, however, that the state security system requires continuous improvement of threats monitoring mechanisms, mainly to precisely determine not only the risk of their occurrence and scope, but also to define methods of counteracting them.
Keywords: state security system, state security strategy, immigration threats